Friday, November 1, 2013

Life goes on...

Well I havent posted for a few months now.  So first I will give a little update on Bella.  We did go to California. And it was a blast!   I will post pics here in the next few weeks of Cali.
So as far as Bella, they did 2 surgeries a week every week for a month or so after we got back from California.  I lost count of the surgeries that she had.  Somewhere between 12-15 I think.  Anyways while we were in Cali my sister Tracy (a pediatric nurse *thank goodness) and I were doing the wound vac changes (without sedation).  We did it twice that week.  Once in San Fran and once while we were in the the redwoods.  By the time it was time to change the wound vac for the 2nd time that week (at the cabin in the redwoods) I noticed that she was in more pain (then the time we changed it before.)  She was more tender and sore.  From past experience I had learned usually this meant she had an infection...  Anyways when we got back to Boise they also felt she had an infection and put her on antibiotics. They also developed a new plan.  They were going to take her into the OR and try to stitch it at the deepest point of the wound then gradually moving the stitches up (every week)  until it was healed.   This was when they took her into the OR twice a week for a month or so. Also they had her on some pretty strong IV antibiotics at this point.  (they ended up keeping her on antibiotics for a month or more).  Which I feel was also part of why she finally healed.  Because she was having infection after infection and they were really setting her back.   Anyways I think it was @ the second week of September when we made it home.  WITH NO WOUND VAC...  Woohoo!  We continued doing antibiotic for another week or two. And eventually we went back and they took her picc line out.   Whew...  Alright I think that is enough of an update for now.  I will update more another day.

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