Monday, August 27, 2007

Here is my contribution (that way Sandy can't say I didn't participate). Laureli in Idaho Falls feeding the ducks . . .

Or is she really feeding the ducks?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Here is my handsome studly. I think he said this was at the Aztec Ruins, which he liked a lot better than the pyramids. He can't wait to take me and the boys back. We have Disneyland next year so maybe the following year if anyone is interested. He comes home next Friday so DON'T call...we'll be catching up!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Here are a few pics from the temple trip with Jason, Taura, Chris & Tyler. Hopefully more of the family will start joining the blog so we can keep up with each others lives. It was great to go with Jason to do baptism's for the dead. It was his first time and Sharon found three names that he could take from his family. Amy, Net, Bart, Jason, Taura, Chris, Tyler, Sandy and myself went from the family and Bro Biggs from the Hieners ward also came to help out with the priesthood.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

This is a place that I thought we could all share events and photos and stories. I would really like to see everyone posting a few words or pictures as often as possible. I think it is a great way to stay in touch. So when you get some pictures or just want to tell us whats going on in your family please just take a few moments and get on here to do it. It is a great way for the cousins to stay in touch too!!!!
Anybody claim this family?
Birds of flight show at the Portland Zoo
Rebecca and Sandy and Net at the Portland temple.
Greg, Rick and Bart at the Portland Temple.
Net and Bart at the Portland Temple.

At the Portland Zoo
Rick, Chris and Jason's creation.

Ashllynn at temple square
Tyler at the zoo

PIcs from camping with the Nelsonand Heiner families

Ashlynn and I sitting around the morning campfire.
Jessica (looking very innocent)
Jason (and Tyler in the background.)
(No wonder people are scared of him)
How sweet!!!!!!