Well it seems as though Lindsay is coming out of her sweet little sleeping all the time stage... The last few nights she has been keeping Mommy awake until about 1:30 or so.... Then she wakes up at around 4 in the morning again...
So here is a play by play of our night last night at bedtime. Rick and I and Lindsay head to bed around 10:30. I decided to nurse her in my bed before I put her in her bassinet. (Rick is already asleep) She then throws up all over me and herself.... So we get up and bath her, then I get her dressed for bed again and get her to sleep in her bassinet. (By this time it is 11:30) And I fall fast asleep! 11:55 I wake to screaming... I tried to cuddle and comfort her and rock her and even nurse her while we in the bedroom to no avail....
Needless to say by this time I was fairly irritated. And I give up and come out to the living room, I get to the living room and flip on the light and look down only to see the biggest grin on her face ever!!!
Of course how can I stay irritated after that. Well her smile didnt last long. She then screamed for the next hour and a half!!! I finally got her to sleep and back in her bassinet and it lasted another 20 min. I gave up and just laid her in bed with me. She sleeps just fine if she is sleeping right next to me... But I am so scared I am going to roll over on her. What can I say she has a way of getting what she wants...
It wouldnt be as big of a problem for me if she just stayed awake at night. But it kills me when she lets me fall asleep for 20-30 min. and then wakes me up. I think she knows it too. :)
Oh, I am so sorry! That is so hard, and I wished I lived closer so I could take her for a few hours....or days...and let you sleep! I hope she's not getting sick or something! Good luck, and know we're thinking of you!
Ok so now that I am feeling a little less sleep deprived I read back over this last blog I wrote and thought wow what a whiner! So I feel it necessary to say how much fun it s been to have a newborn in the house again, every little diaper that needs changing..(remember they arent really stinky yet...so I am not that crazy) every little smile, every bath, every coo, every feeding, I love it all!!!!
Ok so now that I am feeling a little less sleep deprived I read back over this last blog I wrote and thought wow what a whiner! So I feel it necessary to say how much fun it s been to have a newborn in the house again, every little diaper that needs changing..(remember they arent really stinky yet...so I am not that crazy) every little smile, every bath, every coo, every feeding, I love it all!!!!
Ok so now that I am feeling a little less sleep deprived I read back over this last blog I wrote and thought wow what a whiner! So I feel it necessary to say how much fun it s been to have a newborn in the house again, every little diaper that needs changing..(remember they arent really stinky yet...so I am not that crazy) every little smile, every bath, every coo, every feeding, I love it all!!!!
Awwww! SHe is so cute and cuddly. I too, wish I could take her for a few hours or days. All I hear is blah, blah, blah about the no sleep because she is so sweet and adorable that nothing else matters. No seriously, I hope things are better now and she starts letting you get some sleep, so you can enjoy her. I miss you guys.
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